Healthy Heart

Heart disease is one of the leading causes of death in the United Kingdom for both men and women. Sometimes, symptoms can be subtle and go unnoticed until a major event like a heart attack occurs.
Your Healthy Heart is a unique collaboration of the charity Wessex Heartbeat and a team of highly experienced specialist nurses from the University Hospitals Southampton (UHS) Foundation Trust: Cardiac Centre.
Between us we offer a prestigious, tailor made service for employees, where they receive a one on one full cardiac health consultation.
​To ensure that you are receiving the exact consultation that you desire, we have split the Healthy Heart check into three distinct levels of service:
The platinum service is our most fully comprehensive healthy heart check, it includes:
Blood glucose test
BMI (Body Mass Index)
Blood pressure and atrial fibrillation detection
Full lipid profile (including total cholesterol, HDL, Triglycerides and calculated LDL)
This service takes roughly 25 minutes to carry out (per person).
The gold service is our standard heart check, it includes:
Blood glucose test
BMI (Body Mass Index)
Blood pressure and atrial fibrillation detection
Total cholesterol/HDL
This service takes roughly 15-20 minutes to carry out (per person).
The silver service is our entry level heart check, it includes the following:
Blood glucose test
BMI (Body Mass Index)
Blood pressure and atrial fibrillation detection
This service takes roughly 5-10 minutes to carry out (per person).
Also included with all three levels of service, is advice given on:
Nutrition and diet
Alcohol consumption
"Atrial Fibrillation (Afib) is a heart disorder. During Afib the heart's two small upper chambers (the atria) quiver instead of beating effectively. Blood isn't pumped completely out of them, so it may pool and clot. If a piece of blood clot in the atria leaves the heart and becomes lodged in an artery in the brain, a stroke results. About 15% of strokes occur in patients with Afib. We are extremely proud to offer this test." - John Munro, CEO of Wessex Heartbeat
Your company can take part!
Our dedicated Cardiac Nurses will carry out the health checks on your employees and provide them a card with all their results recorded; they can also provide information on staying healthy and will give advice based on their individual results. Where there are any concerns, the participant will be advised to visit their GP.

Frequently Asked Questions
What does it involve?
Each individual will have one-on-one time with a Health and Cardiac Rehabilitation Nurse and will be offered health checks for blood pressure, cholesterol, glucose and body mass.
Each employee tested will receive a card with all their results recorded and the nurse will provide them with information on staying healthy, and advisory leaflets based on their results. If there are any concerns, the participant will be advised to visit their GP.
Does it hurt?
NO, a simple pin prick is all that is needed to check your glucose and cholesterol, if you are prone to fainting at the sight of blood just let the team know!
How long does it take?
It depends on what service you wish to have, but in general you can expect around 10 minutes per person. We are happy to ensure that everyone's concern and questions are answered and that each person feels reassured.
How do I book a "Healthy Heart" session for our Company or for myself?
Simple, please contact Jenny on 023 8070 6095 or email