(Left to Right: Phil Wilding, Tina Tolley and Chris Horsefield)
An amazing afternoon of golf was organised by Steve Miles, Chris Horsefield and Phil Wilding of the Construction Industry Golf Society at the Royal Winchester. They were all delighted to have been able to raise funds and the very generous members raised an astonishing £2030 to support Heartbeat House. Chris knows first hand how important our "Home from Home" is, and he and the members decided that Heartbeat were to benefit.
Huge thanks go to all the society who donated in some way, this money will help us continue supporting so many families who stay at Heartbeat House.
Steve Miles said that he was glad the afternoon went so well and raised a huge sum for Heartbeat. Chris and Phil were amazing hosts on the day and our thanks go to all involved. The Society provides a focal point for people in similar positions within the construction industry to meet on a regular basis. Members have at least two common interests – golf and construction. They enjoy the golf and hopefully generate reciprocal business too. We were delighted to benefit this year from the societies generosity on the day.